Numberland The Musical

Numberland - Family Musical

Numberland - Family Musical

Auriel Livezey Wyndham

The play begins in an experimental math class of mismatched students at a special school, Turnover Tech. This rude and unruly bunch is told to identify with the numbers. The girls are given even numbers and the boys are odd numbers. Each character has a different hang-up or character failing.

Suddenly the class is converted into three-dimensional colored chalk numbers and find themselves in Chalkland, where they must learn about Numberland the invisible, real world of numbers. Their failings become extremely obvious. For instance, beauty queen Angela (Number 10) thinks everyone wants to be a “perfect 10” like her. Poor little Freddie (Number 5) hopes to be important but is always identified with wrong arithmetic (“that’s like saying 2 and 2 are 5”).

They all tackle problems of erasure, color, plus odd and even disputes, as they gradually conform to the Principle of Numbers. Finally, the students transition back into their everyday world with transformed attitudes.

This modern-day parable (a makeover play) may be enjoyed on many levels and casting can be versatile. Players could be high-school, college or even returning adult students of all ages. Freddie and the little helper could be pre-teens or older. See script for color suggestions.

Script is 83 pages, coil-bound in accessible booklet form. Full script and music CD $21.

Below is a sampling from the CD: